in detail



I would like to give you some information about me, so you can feel to be in good hands and will be satisfied by choosing my business for performing of your order.

My name is Florian Siems, 32 years old and single owner and CEO of my company F.O.S. In February 2020 I decided to start my own business and become self-employed after 13 years of work in the Fiber Optic-, Network- and Entertainment technology. Together with my paternal colleague and friend we started the work on a big Yacht in the town of Rendsburg which took about 9 month. (See reference yacht Hawaii). As a result of our very good performance I was able to acquire cooperation with a high end yacht outfitter in the field of fiberglass technology for ships and yachts.

In 2023 my company grew fast to 13 employees including one for a half day job in my office and I am planning to increase my workforce in 2022. My highly qualified Team has the ability to work in all fields and allows me to be very flexible to implement the wishes of my customers.

The most important business principle for me means, to convince my customers by high end quality work and reliability in the processing of the order.

“Who stops to get better, has stopped to be good”.      

(Philip Rosenthal)